What Happens When Food Disappears & Zombie is to Blame! Seems like Inkdrop just hasn’t learned what happens when you decide to cook and […]
Inkdrop the Fruit Killer
So Heman is convinced Inkdrop is a Fruit Killer…since the incident with Jacky. ? If this is the first video you’re seeing of mine, […]
Heman was RIGHT For ONCE! No Video Yesterday Due to Technical Difficulties
So, there was no video yesterday due to technical difficulties, and Heman was RIGHT for once! Did we tell you we’re doing 30 days […]
Heman forgets the plan
Inkdrop and Rex are discussing their ideas for this month, when Heman interrupts asking whats up? Lets just say Heman forgot till now. HAHA! […]
Zombie Ate Heman’s Kumquat!
Uh…SO… Zombie Ate Heman’s Kumquat, and Inkdrop gets dropped into a situation he wants no part of only because Zombie asked him to help […]