I couldn’t resist drawing Mead as Rosie the Robot. Its the beginning of the year and we thought we’d start it off by drawing American Horror Story Apocalypse! I recently started rewatching the series from the beginning and its amazing all the things you don’t notice when you’re watching a show the first time around or the millionth time around. Besides AHS, we also started doing some new things. For one, we started live streaming!
we had a breakthrough with figuring out how to use our internal audio and not our mic. I really love how Mead turned out. She was probably my favorite character from American Horror Story Apocalypse.
Who was your favorite character from this past season, let us know in the comments below!
Watch the Livestream – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v64Mx6PjBs
We haven’t figured out which day of the week to do livestreams…maybe Friday Nights? Saturday Nights! Let us know when you’re down to watch some doodling!